Sunday, February 8, 2009

OK people, this weeks news makes me want to scream! I cannot hold it in anymore. As of right now I already have a load of written material waiting for me to read through it and get it edited so I can post them but after reading through the paper here in San Francisco I feel its time for an immediate purge post first.

First of all, it’s important to remember that I do live in San Francisco and that we have very little in the way of fair and balanced news (more on media bias and the quest for information in my next posts!) You really have to go the extra mile to get any view outside of the supreme Left air bubble The City always sits in. It doesn’t matter what you believe in-if you don’t get two sides to a story you might as well not listen at all. I always find that to be so funny…The fact that liberals are always urging people to stop being close minded while at the same time the ironic truth is liberals are only ‘open minded’ if you agree with them, (if you ask them any questions well then you must be a Nazi--and just as an aside here, because I can’t resist, remember Joe the Plumber? Before Joe ‘the plumber’ Werzelbacher turned into an egocentric and predictable douchebag he had 20 thousand reporters ‘vetting’ him and digging through every day and deed he ever did or had in is whole entire life—all because he, just a private citizen, had the nerve to ask Barack Obama, a politician running for public office that had come up to his front yard, asked him…one…single….question…) But I digress…I want to get back to saying at least a little about this weeks news. And I’m not even going to mention the pork-o-rama stimulus bill!

The sheer amount of news out of the Middle East hitting our headlines in just the past two days should have people talking about nothing else and it seems they are talking about anything but. I'm going to have to limit myself to 3 articles.

1. On Wednesday. The Chronicle (partially) reported on a woman who is the head recruiter of female suicide bombers in Iraq. The Chronicle hit upon the fact that the Iraqi police had finally got a hold of this woman that they call Umm Al-Mumineen-which means mother of believers- who is responsible for recruiting and training over 80 female suicide bombers, 28 of which have already succeeded in bombing in different areas including the one that blew herself up and took three dozen people with her, one month ago today (the 5th) in Bahgdad. (Bet you didn’t even hear that one..look it up).

What the chronicle left out (as the chronicle is BEST at doing when it comes to even approaching reporting anything that is complete and truthful) Is the way these recruits are ‘acquired’ This woman goes out, targets a specific woman and then sets her cronies out to go GANG RAPE the female target. Of course, under the Islamic Sharia law once a woman is raped she is worthless, her family is shamed, her husband need not go near her again and if she cares for her children she better take her shameful self as far away from them as possible…unless she wants them to suffer being ostracized from society also. She is shamed beyond any hope of ever having any type of life ever again. So then in comes this lovely ‘mother of believers’ to let the wounded woman know that she can bring pride back to her family by going out, killing herself, and taking every innocent non-Muslim man, woman and child to the grave with her. Extra points if the children she kills are Jewish or American. Now after hearing a story like this we can all agree on the peace and brotherhood of the Islamic citizens. I guess I’d want to kill myself too-especially if the law dictates that I should be put to death by stoning for forcing my rapists to be attracted to my female body. Hell, if a MAN came to a court and claimed I fell and my ankles were visible out on the street ANY Sharia judge can clearly see I sure deserved the gang rape….at least the first 5 of the men. So why did the Chronicle not report this fact when you can find it as simple as searching for ‘world news’ article on line yourself.

2. OBAMAS ‘(re) NEW(ed)’ WAR. So what is up here?? And why, why, WHY is there no one talking about this lovely little news nugget? All I heard from the left was No war, no BUSH war. All you could hear in the chanting little protests around San Francisco was stop the war! Elect Obama, he’ll pull us right out of Iraq! Ok, folks, so you got your Obama, so first thing he does is start to pull the troops out of Iraq….ONLY to put more in Afghanistan???!!!?? What’s up with this? I thought you were all ‘oh so worried’ about the global opinion of the United States? Now I know we need to be over there and I’ll address that later but all I heard from the Anti-Bushists was ‘get US out of Iraq war” , I never knew that the whole time they meant “US in revamped Afghanistan war, Okey Dokey”!!

The news on Wednesday reports that ‘hard line’ Islamics blew up a major U.S. supply line bridge in Pakistan that we were using to bring supplies to begin beefing up our war efforts. So, needless to say the Muslim brotherhood over there aren’t too pleased with the new administration- but just to illustrate this point a bit further I want to note here that Al Qaeda’s Number #2 dude came out on Tuesday in full force to let his faithful Muslim world know he is ‘officially’ criticizing Obama for not mentioning their terrorist brother group, Hamas in Palestine, in Obama’s inauguration speech. Good ‘ol Numero duo went on to urge Muslims around the world to target U.S. ‘interests’ to ‘avenge’ Hamas. He (and BTW his wonderfully pronounceable name is Ayman Al-Zawahiri) called out to Hamas to continue their terror bombings on Israel and to ‘keep fighting going in the Gaza strip” To me it sounds like our new policies haven’t made them friendlier to us-just more bold. So now there is no excuse for the crying and protesting I see here in the states for the terrorists. Even if you actually sit and believe that Israel is doing the wrong thing and that Palestine is somehow being attacked unprovoked (which us utter bullshit) You’d still have to deal with the fact that they could have stopped all the violence when Israel called the cease fire and stopped any attack on their end. The Palestinians are the ones who successfully started this back up again. I have to mention here that if I stuck one of these San Franciscans I’ve seen out here protesting in the civic center on a one way plane trip to the Gaza strip they’d get off and run on into the Palestinian crowds. They can stand there and wave with a big stupid grin and smile saying ‘hi guys, I’ve seen how you poor terrorist families have been abused and I’m on your side...may I protest with you? When the Palestinians stop, look at you, look at each other, look back at you and say suuurrre...come a little closer my friendly American, I have just the place for you ….in the caged pit I’ve dug for American hostages in my back yard… Your head on a pole might please the Hamas leaders that we have reelected into our government. Make no mistake folks…all those so called ‘innocent’ citizens in Palestine would gut your intestines out if they could get a hold of you. If you search out a lot father than your local newspaper and break into the info that hits the other half of the world you can find The Al Qaeda Master Plan-It’s a twenty year plan to assure the annihilation of the evil Judeo-Christian Western World…You can see from this plan how Islam will not only fight us with firearms BUT how they will also over-take us by creeping into our national collective consciences. One of their major themes is to make us too afraid to speak out against them, To make Islam the ‘in’ thing to fight for and above all they preach to let the gripping phobia Americans have of not being political correct be the thing that takes them down. This is the trap we are most susceptible to.

3. Headline: “11 FREED militants said to join terror groups…11 of militants released from Guantanamo Bay and then passed through a Saudi REHABILITATION PROGRAM designed for former jihadists are now believed to have escaped and joined terrorist groups abroad.”

So what can I say to that?? What can ‘they’ say to that?? By ‘they’ I mean the they screaming and yelling about closing Guantanamo because its not ‘fair’ to terrorists. The they meaning the protestors. The they that think we can change evil by casting our pearls of freedom amongst them. The they meaning the present administration. The they meaning Hillary Clinton. The they meaning The President of the United States- Obama. How can they tell us something is different when the truth is clear.

I’m worried about the way things are going and I have been for a while now….Everyday unbelievable things keep happening! Just when I think ‘oh, that will never does!!! But I’ll be back to say more...because just like everyone else I think I have a good way of thinking about things. Maybe I do. Maybe I don’t. That old saying still fits...Take what you can and leave the rest. My only wish for every person is that they truly have an open mind. Find out what you really believe in, Know why you believe it and then stick by it! I better stop thinking now before I blow a gasket and go watch some cartoons or something.

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